Thursday, April 26, 2012


The pallor of my skin mocks me.
I miss the sun’s feverish kisses
On my brow until its touch burns.
The pain means I am loved.

Saturday, April 21, 2012


I go like a clockwork toy wound too tight
Frantic and eager but sporadic and hysterical
And I love and I love
And I give and I give
Until like like a well loved toy
My skin is worn thin
And my entrails spill out from the seams.
And the pounding ratatatat tattoo
of my heart whipped into frenzy
is calmed by the panicked coda
of my hyperventilations.
We all have our lows.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

No Rest For the Wicked

Inspiration rides the dregs of a late-night caffeine high,
brain bubbles like a percolator on speed,
firing synapses are the prodding pokers that keep me awake,
inciting me to violent turns of phrases,
penpoint picks at an itch long left unscratched.

They say to hide one's light under the bushel is a sin,
and this must be my punishment.
No rest for the wicked.

Knock Knock Jokes, or Writer's Block Haiku

Knock Knock Jokes
(Writer's Block Haiku)

knock knock- who's there? what
do you call a writer who
never writes? a joke.